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Announcements and upcoming events

Physicist Aleksei Zheltikov Appointed University Distinguished Professor

Zheltikov is one of eight faculty campus-wide appointed as 2025 University Distinguished Professors, a perpetual title representing the highest level of faculty achievement at Texas A&M.

Quantum Computations: Past, Present, and Future
Henry F. Schaefer III

March 11, 2025

Quantum Science Camp
Apply Here

July 10-25, 2025, Casper, WY

IQSE’s recent publication is featured as an editor’s pick in Applied Physics B. – Beam instability of broadband stochastic laser fields

Aleksei M. Zheltikov, Alexei V. Sokolov, Zhenhuan Yi, Girish S. Agarwal, J. Gary Eden, Marlan O. Scully.

Physicist Alexei Sokolov Appointed University Distinguished Professor

Sokolov is one of eight faculty campus-wide appointed as 2024 University Distinguished Professors, a perpetual title representing the highest level of faculty achievement at Texas A&M.

Texas A&M Institute Part Of National Effort To Harness Nuclear Laser Fusion For Limitless Energy

The Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering is a major player in a multi-million-dollar Department of Energy-funded hub to advance laser-driven fusion energy.

Texas A&M Physicist Olga Kocharovskaya Earns 2024 Walther Award

Kocharovskaya is recognized by Optica and the German Physical Society for her pioneering work in lasers, atomic physics, nonlinear optics and x-ray quantum optics as the first female recipient in the prestigious award’s history.

Texas A&M Physicists Play Key Role In Milestone Moment Toward Development Of Nuclear Clock

Distinguished Professor Dr. Olga Kocharovskaya and fellow physicists have started the countdown on developing a new generation of timepieces capable of shattering records by providing accuracy of up to one second in 300 billion years, or about 22 times the age of the universe.

About Us

Research within the Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (IQSE) involves faculty, students, and researchers within multiple Colleges and System parts including Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M Health Science Center, and Texas A&M University and provides a unique opportunity to take advantage of and build upon the outstanding strengths of the Texas A&M University System, melding them into an extraordinary interdisciplinary entity with national and international impact. Going beyond the conventional standard limits of modern science and technology, our research extends into such diverse fields as quantum philosophy (e.g., first experimental hidden variable test and first demonstration of quantum erasure of information and quantum time), laser physics (dramatically new lasers operating without inversion), national security, (e.g., real time detection of anthrax and other chemical/bio toxins), detection of a single virus, nanoscience (quantum dot solar energy generation), bioscience (e.g., possible direct scanning of DNA base pairs and laser ablation of cellular nuclei for cloning), improved navigation and global and stellar positioning (e.g., matter wave gyros and photon-photon correlation techniques), and quantum informatics (e.g., quantum searching and microscopy), etc. with the underlying thread which ties all our research activities together being quantum optics and photonics.

Success in the above efforts significantly impact other areas, e.g., industry (e.g., photolithography, laser engraving, computing [optical storage, chip manufacturing], secure free-space wireless communications, preparation of low surface energy polymers, high speed optical transmission, new solid-state devices), medicine (dermatology, keratectomy, early disease detection of, e.g., Ebola, Hepatitis, and anthrax, identification of gene sequences, animal husbandry, development of disease resistant crops), water management (waste water treatment, safety of existing drinking water, disinfecting solar water), food processing (safety of national food stores, detection of Aflatoxins), renewable energy efforts (revolutionize the industry making solar cells, solar hydrogen production, and fuel cells more efficient/cost effective), telemetry, active imaging, lightning discharge control (e.g., protection of military facilities, power plants), ultra-sensitive magnetometry, metrology, remote sensing by Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), e.g., bio-chemical agents, air pollution, and in information science and technology (quantum computers and quantum computing).