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Nuclear fusion, the process that powers the sun, is the ultimate source of energy for all life on Earth. The dream is to do the same down here, on Earth, in a controlled manner. One of the two most investigated and promising approaches, Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE), uses powerful lasers, which are fundamental tools in IFE research, to heat a small target containing fusible material.

The U.S. Department of Energy unveiled a $42 million program establishing three new hubs to advance foundational IFE science and technology. Texas A&M’s Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (IQSE) is a major player in one of the multi-million-dollar hubs, known as RISE, which will be led by Colorado State University and dedicated to advancing laser-driven fusion energy.

“The RISE hub will become a center of excellence for IFE science and technology to support the DOE’s mission in IFE,” said Dr. Marlan Scully, a University Distinguished Professor and IQSE director.

“The IQSE was built by the visionary Chancellor’s Research Initiative program started by [Texas A&M University System] Chancellor John Sharp,” said Dr. Alexei Sokolov, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and IQSE associate director. “We look forward to bringing the IQSE expertise in exotic laser physics to bear on the laser-fusion promise.”

International Collaborations


Squeezed vacuum states of light improve the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. Both the Advanced Virgo detector and the Advanced LIGO detectors have been operating with a quantum enhanced sensitivity during their third joint observation run O3. Many years of experimental research focusing on developing the necessary concepts and technologies for the generation and application of squeezed light had been necessary to turn the conceptual idea of a non-classical sensitivity enhancement into a key technology which is now included in the baseline designs of all future earthbound GW interferometers.


  • Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario
  • University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
  • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 

Collaborations with Scientists at IQSE:

Publications and Publishing:

This is a partial listing of journals, archives, and databases to which IQSE faculty has contributed to: