David Baltensperger
Professor and Head
Focus: Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Email: dbaltensperger@ag.tamu.edu
Phone: 979-845-3001
Fax: 979-845-0456
Office: 434 Heep Center
Best Known For:
Previously, directed proso millet variety improvement program. Developed alternative crops and cooperated with other breeders in evaluating the adaptability of new germplasm to the Panhandle. Supervised High Plans Ag Lab and encouraged utilization for research.
Coordinated and directed variety testing program for Panhandle crops and disseminated information on cultural practices for Panhandle crops. Supervised High Plans Ag Lab coordinating field days and public relations.
Incorporated food quality traits into proso millet. Develop grass seed production technology for the region. Developed white wheats, irrigated wheats and spring wheats for the region. Developed improved sunflower, foxtail millet and proso millet cultivars. Developed other adapted alternative crops including amaranth and canola. Developed crops for biofuels such as brown mustard, camalina and canola for biodiesel.