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October 19, 2022 @ 11:30 am
IQSE AMO QO Seminar Series
Pizza will be served for IQSE members at 11:00 am. The talk will start around 11:30 am
Dr. Nikolay I. Zheludev
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Professor Nikolay Zheludev’s research interests are in the nanophotonics, metamaterials and nonlinear optics. He has held a number of important academic appointment including senior Research Professorships from the Leverhulme Trust, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK , the Royal Society and the European Research Council. Currently he is Co-Director of the Photonics Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Deputy Director of Zepler Institute at the University of Southampton, UK. His accolades include the President’ Science and Technology Award in Singapore, the Thomas Young and the Michael Faraday Medals and Prizes. Zheludev is a Fellow of the Royal Society (UK) and Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA).
EVENT DETAILS: We have developed optical visualization and metrology techniques that make it possible to resolve events at the atomic scale. This opens the case for picophotonics (atomic scale photonics), the science of interactions of picometer-scale objects and events with light and allows the development and study of artificial pico-opto-mechanical Floquet matter and Time Crystals.
ZOOM information:
Meeting ID: 981 5625 1523
Passcode: 297578
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