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The origin of acceleration temperature
April 5, 2022 @ 11:30 am
IQSE AMO QO Seminar Series Tuesday, April 05, 11:30 CST, ZOOM&IQSE seminar room (MPHY 578)
Pizza will be served for IQSE members at 11:00. The talk will start around 11:30
William G. Unruh
Texas A&M University, College Staon, USA
University of Brish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Acceleration temperature (an accelerated object in the vacuum seems itself as immersed in a thermal bath with temperature proportional to acceleration) was an aspect of quantum field theory which was only discovered about 40 years after quantum field theory was discovered. This talk will examine the basics of the process, and show that it generically occurs if there exist positive norm (the symplectic norm, — special cases are the Klein Gordon norm, or the Electromagnetic or photon norm.) modes (solutions of the classical equations for the free field theory) which contain paths along which the frequency of the mode is negative frequency (e^(i omega t)). This can occur in a wide variety of situation, including acceleration temperture, Cherenkov radiation, Landau critical velocity in a superfluid, revolving atoms.
ZOOM information:
Meeting ID: 996 9666 2195 Passcode: 757350 (US West) (US East)
Join by Skype for Business: https://tamu.zoom.us/skype/99696662195