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Recent Publications

  • He, Z., Qiu, W., Kizer, M., Wang, J., Chen, W., Sokolov, A., Wang, X., Hu, J., and Scully, M., “Resolving the Sequence of RNA Strands by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” ACS Photonics, accepted (2021). (featured on journal Cover)

  • E. J. Ocola, J. Laane, “Ring-Puckering Potential Energy Functions for Cyclobutane and Related Molecules Based on Refined Kinetic Energy Expansions and Theoretical Calculations”, Chemical Physics, 532, 110647 (2020).

  • B.D. Strycker, Z. Han, Z. Duan, B. Commer, K. Wang, B.D. Shaw, M.O. Scully and A.V. Sokolov, “Identification of toxic mold species through Raman spectroscopy of fungal conidia”, PLOS ONE 15, e0242361 (2020).

  • Deckert, V, Deckert-Gaudig, T, Cialla-May, D, Popp, J, Zell, R, Deinhard-Emmer, S, Sokolov, AV, Yi, ZH, Scully, MO, “Laser spectroscopic technique for direct identification of a single virus I: FASTER CARS”, PNAS, 117(45), 27820 – 27824 (2020). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2013169117

  • Wang, H, Qin, J, Chen, S, Chen, MC, You, X, Ding, X, Huo, YH, Yu, Y, Schneider, C, Hofling, S, Scully, M, Lu, CY, Pan, JW, “Observation of Intensity Squeezing in Resonance Fluorescence from a Solid-State Device”, PRL, 125(15), 153601 (2020).

  • Peng, T, Liu, XP, Adams, LG, Agarwal, G, Akey, B, Cirillo, J, Deckert, V, Delfan, S, Fry, E, Han, ZH, Hemmer, P, Kattawar, G, Kim, M, Lee, MC, Lu, CY, Mogford, J, Nessler, R, Neuman, B, Nie, XY, Pan, JW, Pryor, J, Rajil, N, Shih, YH, Sokolov, A, Svidzinsky, A, Wang, DW, Yi, ZH, Zheltikov, A, Scully, M, “Enhancing sensitivity of lateral flow assay with application to SARS-CoV-2”, Applied Physics Letters, 117(12), 120601 (2020).

  • Fedotov, IV, Yi, ZH, Voronin, AA, Svidzinsky, AA, Sower, K, Liu, XH, Vlasova, E, Peng, T, Liu, XP, Moiseev, SA, Belousov, VV, Sokolov, AV, Scully, MO, Zheltikov, AM, “Light and corona: guided-wave readout for coronavirus spike protein-host-receptor binding”, Optics Letters, 45(19), 5428 – 5431 (2020).

  • M.O. Scully, G.S. Agarwal, T. Peng, A.V. Sokolov, Z. Zhang, and M.S. Zubairy, “Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy,” (15. Raman quantum eraser: the origin of quantum interferometer), J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 072002 (2020).

  • D. Rossi, X. Liu, Y. Lee, M. Khurana, J. Puthenpurayil, K. Kim, A.V. Akimov, J. Cheon, and D.H. Son, “Intense Dark Exciton Emission from Strongly Quantum-Confined CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals,” Nano Lett., 20, 10, 7321–7326 (2020).

  • M. Tokman, M. Erukhimova, Y. Wang, Q. Chen, and A. Belyanin, “Generation and dynamics of entangled fermion-photon-phonon states in nanocavities,” Nanophotonics 10, 491 (2021).